To many of us, the idea of Civil War re-enactment is a familiar concept. But the men of Delta 2/5(R) recreate the battles of a far more charged conflict: The Vietnam War. For one weekend a year, the woods of Oregon transform as a mix of combat enthusiasts, Iraq veterans, and even a former South Vietnamese Army officer, revive — by choice — a war that a whole generation would much rather forget. Disquieting and provocative, In Country blurs fantasy with trauma, deftly tugging at the imposing question: what compels these men to don the vintage uniforms and meticulously bring this controversial war back to life?
In Country DVD (Collector’s Edition)
Get your very own copy of In Country on DVD. This deluxe Collector’s Edition DVD version of In Country includes the critically acclaimed film plus over thirty minutes of bonus material.
Also Available On:

7/27/15 Amherst Cinema, Amherst, MA
6/5/15, 6/11/15, 6/16/15 SF DocFest, San Francisco, CA
5/26/15 The Nickelodeon, Santa Cruz, CA
5/25/15 SIE FilmCenter, Denver, CO
5/21/15 & 5/24/15 Filmbar, Phoenix, AZ
5/15 – 5/21 Varsity, Ashland, OR
5/20/15 Esquire, Cincinnati, OH
5/15/15 – 5/21/15 Bijou Metro, Eugene, OR
5/12/15 & 5/17/15 City Lights Cinemas, Florence, OR
5/8/15 – 5/14/15 Pickford Film Center, Bellingham, WA
5/8/15 – 5/14/15 Living Room Theaters, Portland, OR
5/8/15 – 5/14/15 The Screening Room, Tucson, AZ
5/2/15 & 5/4/15 Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago, IL
5/1/15 – 5/7/15 SIFF, Seattle, WA
4/24/15 – 4/30/15 Village Centre Cinemas, Spokane, WA
4/17/15 – 4/23/15 Gateway Film Center, Columbus, OH
4/16/15 Texas Theater, Dallas, TX
4/10/15 – 4/16/15 Cinema Village, New York, NY
3/28/15 Annapolis Film Festival Festival, Annapolis, MD
3/27/15 & 3/29/15 Cleveland International FF, Cleveland, OH
2/8/15 Big Sky Film Festival, Missoula, MT
11/17/14 DOC NYC, New York, NY
11/16/14 St. Louis Film Festival, St. Louis, MO
11/15/14 DOC NYC, New York, NY
11/10/14 – 11/12/14 IFFBratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
11/11/14 Northwest Film Forum, Portland, OR
11/9/14 Virginia Film Festival, Charlottesville, VA
11/7/14, 11/10/14, 11/16/14 CPH:DOX, Copenhagen, Denmark
10/19/14 & 10/23/14 New Orleans FF, New Orleans, LA
10/2/14 Local Sightings, Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA
9/26/14 Camden International Film Festival, Camden, ME
9/14/14 DocuWest, Denver, CO
8/19/14 Vashon Theater, Vashon Island, WA
7/11/14 Salem Cinema, Salem, OR
4/25/14 – 5/3/14 HotDocs, Toronto, Canada
4/24/14 IFFBoston, Boston, MA
4/6/14 – 4/7/14 Sarasota International FF, Sarasota, FL
4/5/14 Full Frame Documentary FF, Durham, NC
Mike Attie
Director | Producer | Cinematographer
Mike Attie’s award-winning short documentaries have shown at major documentary festivals including San Francisco International, SilverDocs, and Cinequest. Prior to receiving his MFA from Stanford University’s Documentary Film program, Attie worked as a production assistant and assistant editor for Academy Award-winning filmmakers Alan and Susan Raymond on films for HBO and PBS. Attie’s film, FAMOUS 4A was nominated for the International Documentary Association’s David Wolper Award and won 1st Jury Prize for short films at the Kos International Film Festival and CILECT’s Documentary Film Prize. Attie received a BA in American History from Vassar College. Attie is a lecturer in the Department of Radio/Television/Film at Northwestern University, and the associate director of the department’s new MFA Program in Documentary Media. He is a 2014 Sundance Documentary Film Program Fellow and was named one of The Independent’s “10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2014.”
Meghan O'Hara
Director | Producer
Meghan O’Hara is a Santa Cruz-based filmmaker whose short films have received recognition from major film festivals in the United States and abroad, including the Edinburgh International Film Festival, the Mill Valley Film Festival, Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, and Slamdance. She is a 2014 Sundance Documentary Film Program Fellow, recipient of an Eastman/Kodak award for Excellence in Cinematography, and was named one of The Independent’s “10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2014.” O’Hara holds a MFA in Documentary Production from Stanford University and a BA in experimental film and video from Hampshire College. She is an Assistant Professor of Documentary Filmmaking at California State University Monterey Bay.
Lindsay Utz
Utz edited the award-winning documentary Bully, which was released nationally in 2012, and was shortlisted for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. Utz’s work also includes the ballet documentary, First Position; a six-part series for Vogue Magazine called The Fashion Fund; and the experimental feature Buoy, executive produced by Todd Haynes. In 2012, Lindsay was awarded the Karen Schmeer Film Editing Fellowship in honor of Errol Morris’ late editor and was named one of The Independent’s “10 Filmmakers to Watch in 2014.”
Jim Butterworth
Executive Producer
Jim Butterworth is the founder and president of Naked Edge Films, where he has served as executive producer for films including In Country, Silenced, The Mind of Mark DeFriest, The Revisionaries, Gone, Donor Unknown, War Don Don, The Disappearance of McKinley Nolan, andCape Spin. Jim’s own film Seoul Train, which he produced, directed and shot, has been translated to more than twenty languages and broadcast on TV globally. In 2007, Seoul Train was bestowed the Alfred I. duPont – Columbia University Award for excellence in broadcast journalism and investigative reporting, and also was runner-up for the National Journalism Award. Jim also is a successful technology entrepreneur and investor, and an advisor to a number of nonprofits, startup companies and investment funds.
Daniel J. Chalfen
Executive Producer
Daniel J. Chalfen is the co-founder of Naked Edge Films. His recent credits include In Country, Silenced, and The Mind of Mark Defriest, all of which are being released across multiple platforms in Spring 2015. Earlier credits include the Tribeca Film Festival and Columbia-DuPont award-winning The Revisionairies and the Tribeca Film Festival award-winning Donor Unknown for PBS' Independent Lens; State 194 for Participant Media; Gone for Discovery ID; the Emmy-nominated War Don Don and Oscar short-listed 39 Pounds of Love for HBO; the multiple awards-winning Budrus and Meeting Resistance for Al Jazeera; the Danny Glover Executive Produced The Disappearance of McKinley Nolan, and the Sarah Jessica Parker Executive Produced Pretty Old.
Educational Sales
Schools, non-profits and community groups around the world are incorporating In Country into courses and discussions across a wide range of topics including:
Vietnam War
American Studies
Asian Studies
Women Directors
Public Performance Rights, Digital Rights Licenses, and classroom DVDs are available for purchase at Film Movement.